Utilization of Support Vector Machine and Speeded up Robust Features Extraction in Classifying Fruit Imagery
Indonesia's various types of fruits can be met by the community. Many fruits that contain a source of vitamins are very beneficial to the body, or as an economic source for farmers. It's no wonder that many experts submit discoveries to increase the amount of productivity or just want to experiment with intelligent systems. Intelligent systems are specially designed machines in certain areas to adjust the capabilities made by the creators. This article provides the latest texture classification technique called Speeded up Robust Features (SURF) with the SVM (Support Vector Machine) method. In this concept, the representation of the image data is done by capturing features in the form of keys. SURF uses the determinant of the Hessian matrix to reach the point of interest in which descriptions and classifications are performed. This method delivers superior performance compared to existing methods in terms of processing time, accuracy, and durability. The results showed that the fruit classification by using the extraction of Speeded up Robust Features (SURF) feature and SVM (Support Vector Machine) Classification method is quite maximal and accurate. Result of 3 kinds of classification with SVM kernel function, SVM Gaussian with 72% accuracy, Polynomial SVM with 69.75% accuracy, and Linear SVM with 70.25% accuracy.