
ComengApp Journal: Celebrating 322 Citations on Scopus in 2024

Understanding the impact of citedness on scholarly journals is crucial in evaluating their significance within academic discourse. Citedness, the frequency with which articles within a journal are referenced by other scholars, serves as a metric for measuring the influence and relevance of research published in that journal. This announcement aims to remark the ComengApp Journal milestone in 2024.

Accepted List October 2024

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 13 Issue 3, October 2024: No   Title Authors  1 Cluster Analysis of Obesity Risk Levels Using K-Means and Dbscan Methods Dite Geovani, Zainal Umari, Suci Ramadini 2 The Turbofan Engine Remaining Useful Life Prediction Using 1-Dimentional Convolutional Neural Network Ahmad Fauzan, AF, Lestari Handayani, Fitri Insani, Jasril Jasril, Suwanto Sanjaya 3 Imbalanced Data NearMiss for Comparison of SVM and Naive Bayes Algorithms Wawan Gunawan, Yudo Devianto, Anggi Puspita Sari 4 The Eye and Nose Identification Chip Controller-Based on Robot Vision Using Weightless Neural Network Method Ahmad Zarkasi, Huda Ubaya, Kemahyanto Exaudi, Megi Fitriyanto 5 MRI-Based Brain Tumor Instance Segmentation Using Mask R-CNN Muhammad Nasrudin 6 Fake News Detection Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Network and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Winda Kurnia Sari, Iman Saladin B. Azhar, Zaqqi Yamani, Yesinta Florensia

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 10 No 3 in October 2021: 1.  Driver Drowsiness Detection Based on Drivers’ Physical Behaviours: A Systematic Literature Review (Femilia Hardina Caryn, Laksmita Rahadianti) 2. Forward Chaining for Contextual Music Recommendation System: (Ratih Kartika Dewi, M. Salman Ramadhan, Dwi Yovan Harjananto, Chindy Aulia Sari, Zumrotul Islamiah) 3. Fuzzy Logic Controller Application for Automatic Charging System Design of a Solar Powered Mobile Manipulator (Fradina Septiarini, Tresna Dewi, Rusdianasari) 4. The Effectiveness of Image Preprocessing on Digital Handwritten Scripts Recognition with The Implementation of OCR Tesseract (Lily Rojabiyati Mursari, Antoni Wibowo) 5. Topic Classification of Islamic Question and Answer Using Naïve Bayes and TF-IDF Method (Aura Sukma Andini, Danang Triantoro Murdiansyah, Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana) 6. Designing a tourism recommendation system using a hybrid method (Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering) (Ni Wayan Priscila Yuni Praditya)

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 10 No 2 in June 2021: 1. Wireless Controlling for Garbage Robot (G-Bot) - Nyayu Latifah Husni 2. Traffic Violation Detection System Using Image Processing - Buhari Ugbede Umar, Olayemi Mikail Olaniyi, James Agajo, Omeiza Rabiu Isah 3. Application of the Relief-f Algorithm for Feature Selection in the Prediction of Accordance with the Field of Education in the Graduate Employment of the Universitas Sriwijaya - Anita Desiani, Sugandi Yahdin, Kerenila Agustin 4. Aorta Detection With Fetal Echocardiography Images Using Faster R-CNNs - Ade Iriani Sapitri, Annisa Darmawahyuni 5. A Literature Review Recommendation System - Ni Wayan Priscila Yuni Praditya 6. Classification of Finger Spelling American Sign Language Using Convolutional Neural Network - Anna Dwi Marjusalinah, Samsuryadi Samsuryadi, Muhammad Ali Buchari    

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 10 No 2 in June 2021:   1. Wireless Controlling for Garbage Robot (G-Bot) - Nyayu Latifah Husni 2. Traffic Violation Detection System Using Image Processing - Buhari Ugbede Umar, Olayemi Mikail Olaniyi, James Agajo, Omeiza Rabiu Isah 3. Application of the Relief-f Algorithm for Feature Selection in the Prediction of Accordance with the Field of Education in the Graduate Employment of the Universitas Sriwijaya - Anita Desiani, Sugandi Yahdin, Kerenila Agustin 4. Aorta Detection With Fetal Echocardiography Images Using Faster R-CNNs - Ade Iriani Sapitri, Annisa Darmawahyuni 5. A Literature Review Recommendation System - Ni Wayan Priscila Yuni Praditya 6. Classification of Finger Spelling American Sign Language Using Convolutional Neural Network - Anna Dwi Marjusalinah, Samsuryadi Samsuryadi, Muhammad Ali Buchari  

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 10 No 1 in February 2021:   1. Air Quality Classification Using Support Vector Machine (Ade Silvia Handayani, Sopian Soim, Theresia Enim Agusdi, Nyayu Latifah Husni) 2. Cloud-based ECG Interpretation of Atrial Fibrillation Condition with Deep Learning Technique (Bambang Tutuko, Rossi Passarella, Firdaus Firdaus, Muhammad Naufal Rachmatullah, Annisa Darmawahyuni, Ade Iriani Sapitri, Siti Nurmaini) 3. Super Resolution of Remote Sensing Image using Residual Deep Convolutional Neural Network (Rika Sustika, Andriyan B. Suksmono, Donny Danudirdjo) 4. A Computer Security System For Cloud Computing Based on Encryption Technique (Aliu Daniel, Saliu Mohammed Shaba, Muyideen Omuya Momoh, Pascal Uchenna Chinedu, Wilson Nwankwo) 5. The Artificial Intelligence Readiness for Pandemic Outbreak COVID-19: Case of Limitations and Challenges in Indonesia (Siti Nurmaini) 6. Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Based On Long Short-Term Memory (Ghina Auliya, Jannes Effendi)

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 9 No 3 in October 2020:  1. Gas Source Localization using Bio-inspired Algorithm for Mini Flying Sniffer Robot: Development and Experimental Investigation (Muhamad Rausyan Fikri) 2. An Improved Throughput for Non-Binary Low Density Parity Check Decoder (O. O. Olajide, M. B. Abdulrazaq, E.A. Adedokun, I.J. Umoh) 3. Deep Convolutional Neural Networs-Based Plants Diseases Detection Using Hybrid Features (Budiarianto Suryo Kusumo, Ana Heryana, Dikdik Krisnandi, Sandra Yuwana, Vicky Zilvan, and Hilman F Pardede) 4. Utilization of Support Vector Machines and Speeded Up Robust Features Extraction in Classifying Fruit Imagery (Muhathir, Wahyu Hidayah, Dian Ifantiska) 5. A Smart Real-Time Standalone Route Recognition System for Visually Impaired Persons (Abdullahi Ibrahim Mohammed, Isah Omeiza Rabiu, Aliu Daniel and Muyideen Omuya Momoh) 6. Reducing Generalization Error Using Autoencoders for The Detection of Computer Worms (Nelson Ochieng, Waweru Mwangi, Ismail Ateya)

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 9 No 2 in June 2020:   1.  A Stochastic Modelling Approach to Student Performance Prediction on an Internet- Mediated Environment (Esther Khakata, Vincent Omwenga, Simon Msanjila) 2. Author Matching Classification with Anomaly Detection Approach for Bibliomethric Repository Data (Zaqqi Yamani, Siti Nurmaini, Dian Palupi Rini, Annisa Darmawahyuni) 3. LWT-CLAHE Based Color Image Enhancement Technique: An Improved Design (Oluwakemi Marufat Gazal, Adewale Emmanuel Adedokun, Imeh Jarlath. Umoh) 4. Automated ECG Waveform Annotation Based on Stacked Long Short-Term Memory (Annisa Darmawahyuni, Siti Nurmaini, Muhammad Naufal Rachmatullah, Vicko Bhayyu) 5. Real Time Garbage Bin Capacity Monitoring (Nyayu Latifah Husni, Sitangsu, Sabilal Rasyad, Faisal Damsi, Ade Silvia Handayani, Firdaus Firdaus) 6. Ultra Wideband Spectrum Hole Identification Using Principal Components and Eigen Value Decomposition (Emeshili O. Joseph, Emmanuel Eronu, Evans Ashigwuike) 7. The Concept of Automatic Transport System Utilizing Weight Sensor (Yurni Oktarina, Tresna Dewi, and Pola Risma)

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 9 No 1 in February 2020: 1. Evaluating Naïve Bayes Automated Classification for GBAORD (Hani Febri Mustika, Arida Ferti Syafiandini, Lindung Parningotan Manik, Yan Rianto). 2. Traffic Scheduling Strategy of Power Communication Network Based on SDN (Min Xiang, Jinjin Zhang, Huayang Rao, Ruiheng Ma, Mengxin Chen) 3. Finger Cue for Mobile Robot Motion Control (Tresna Dewi, Amperawan, Pola Risma, Yurni Oktarina, and Dicky Astra Yudha) 4. A Deep Learning Approach to Integrate Medical Big Data for Improving Health Services in Indonesia  (Bambang Tutuko, Siti Nurmaini, Muhammad Naufal Rachmatullah, Annisa Darmawahyuni, Firdaus) 5.  The Application of Push Button Switch as Inverse Kinematics Input on Adaptive Walking Method for Hexapod Robot (Pola Risma, Muhammad Bagaskara, Nyayu Latifah Husni , Masayu Anisah, Adella Rialita) 6. Environmental Application with Multi Sensor Network (Ade Silvia Handayani, Nyayu Latifah Husni, Siti Nurmaini, Rosmalinda Permatasari)  

ComEngApp Document Citedness in Web of Science (WoS)

Source: Scopus last update:  Sept 28, 2019 Computer Engineering and Application Journal (ComEngApp) is cited by articles on Web of Science database at least 44 times for 19 documents (see at Web of Science) since published in 2012.

Accepted List

The accepted manuscripts for Vol 8 No 3 in October 2019: 1. Accuracy Improvement of Incidence Level Detection Based on Electroencephalogram Using Fuzzy C-Means and Support Vector Machine (M. Ramdhany, S. Wahjuni, S. N. Neyman) 2. Drowsing Driver Alert System for Commercial Vehicles (Benjamin Kommey) 3. Measuring Inter-VM Performance Interference in IaaS Cloud (Kenga Mosoti Derdus) 4. Optimal Control of Jebba Hydropower Operating Head by a Dynamic Programming (Olalekan Ogunbiyi, Cornelius T Thomas) 5. Predicting the occurrence and causes of employee turnover with Machine Learning (Xiaojun Ma, Shengjun Zhai, Yingxian Fu, Leonard Yoonjae Lee, Jingxuan Shen) 6. Peat Land Fire Monitoring System Using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm (Nyayu Latifah) 7. Preliminary Study: Skin Lesion Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks (Renny Amalia Pratiwi) 8. Binary Malware Classification Based on Deep Neural Network (Nurul Afifah)

ComEngApp Document Citedness in Scopus

Source: Scopus last update:  15th February 2024 Computer Engineering and Application Journal (ComEngApp) is 322 times cited by articles on SCOPUS  since published in 2012.

New Citation 2017 from Scopus & WoS Clarivate

Al Masri, M.A., Sesay, A.B., Ghannouchi, F.M.Energy/Quality-of-Experience TradeOff of Power Saving Modes for Voice over IP Services(2017) IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16 (6), art. no. 7892036, pp. 4009-4022. DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2017.2690630AFFILIATIONS: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada Asghar, K., Habib, Z., Hussain, M.Copy-move and splicing image forgery detection and localization techniques: a review(2017) Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49 (3), pp. 281-307. DOI: 10.1080/00450618.2016.1153711AFFILIATIONS: Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan; Department of Software Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Li, D., Du, J., Liu, L.A data forwarding algorithm based on Markov thought in underwater wireless sensor networks(2017) International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 13 (2), . DOI: 10.1177/1550147717691982AFFILIATIONS: School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China; Jiangsu High Technology Research Key Laboratory for Wireless Sensor Networks, Nanjing, China; Laboratory of Computer Network and Information Integration, Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing, China Yu, T.-Y., Wu, C.-M.Application of adaptive α-β-γ and α-β-γ-δ filters to tracking systems(2017) Sensors and Materials, 29 (4), pp. 419-427. DOI: 10.18494/SAM.2017.1524AFFILIATIONS: Department of Electrical Engineering, Kao Yuan University, No. 1821, Jhongshan Rd., Lujhu District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, Taiwan; Department of Mechanical Engineering and Automation Engineering, Kao Yuan University, No. 1821, Jhongshan Rd., Lujhu District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, Taiwan  

ComEngApp inclusion in PROQUEST

Dear Dr. Deris Stiawan, I am pleased to inform you that ComEngApp Journal has been selected as part of our 2017 content plan. As a next step, I am attaching our standard agreement for review.  If all is in order, including Licensor and mailing address, please sign the agreement and email a scanned copy to me in PDF format.  I will then have the agreement countersigned and I will return a copy for your records. Best Regards, Alliance Manager

ComEngApp inclusion in EBSCO database

  Date:02/16/2017 4:16 AM (GMT+07:00) To: Subject: EBSCO invitation for Computer Engineering & Applications Journal Hello, Computer Engineering & Applications Journal has been selected to be included in EBSCO's databases.  EBSCO is a leading producer and distributor of research databases for libraries and educational institutions worldwide.  Our databases are available in 90% of the world's public, college and university libraries.  We believe that your content will enhance our resources, and you will benefit from the increased visibility and usage of your research.  This arrangement would not cost you anything.

Cited in Journal / Conference Indexed by SCOPUS

Editor would like to congratulate the top cited authors of ComEngapp-Journal. The papers published here are very well-cited and appear in the SCOPUS indexed.