[1] A. Hatton, Head of IT, Greenpeace UK, Building a Renewable Cloud webinar(08 Oct 2013), [online] https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/499/85629, 2013.
[2] G. Cook, “How clean is your cloudâ€, Catalysing an energy revolution, 2012.
[3] M. Andreolini, S. Casolari, M. Colajanni, and M. Messori, “Dynamic load management of virtual machines in a cloud architectureâ€, Proc of First Int. Conference on Cloud Computing (ICST CLOUDCOMP2009), Munich, Germany, 2009, Pp. 201-214.
[4] K. Maurya, and R. Sinha, “Energy Conscious Dynamic Provisioning of Virtual Machines using Adaptive Migration Thresholds in Cloud Data Centerâ€, IJCSMC, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013, pp 74 – 82.
[5] J. Baliga, R. W. Ayre, K. Hinton, and R. Tucker, “Green Cloud Computing: Balancing Energy in Processing,Storage, and Transportâ€, Proceedings of the IEEE 99, No. 1, 2011 pp 149-167.
[6] H. Parker, “Energy efficient data centers. SRI Analystâ€, [online]: http://www.alliancetrustinvestments.com/sri-hub/posts/Energy-efficient-data-centres ,2013.
[7] L. A. Barroso, and U. Holzle, “The case for energy-proportional computingâ€, Computer, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2007, pp 33–37.
[8] A. Greenberg, J. Hamilton, D. A. Maltz, and P. Patel, “The Cost of a Cloud:Research Problems in Data Center Networksâ€, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2009, pp 68-73.
[9] R. Buyya, R. Ranjan, and R. Calheiros, “Modeling and Simulation of Scalable Cloud Computing Environment and the CloudSim Toolkit: Challenges and Opportunitiesâ€, International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation. HPCS ’09, 21-24, 2009 pp 1-11.
[10] R. Sawyer, “Calculating total power requirements for data centersâ€, American Power Conversion, Tech. Rep, No. 70, 2004, pp 80-90.
[11] Intel Corporation, “Why the Intel® Xeon® processor 5500 series is the ideal foundation for cloud computingâ€, White paper, 2009.
[12] S. Y. Jing, S. Ali, K. She, and Y. Zhong, “State-of-the-art research study for green cloud computingâ€, The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2013, pp 445-468.
[13] P. Ranganathan, P. Leech, D. Irwin, and J. Chase, “Ensemble-level power management for dense bladeâ€, In Proceedings of the 33rd annual international symposium on computer architecture (ISCA’06), Boston, USA, 2006, pp 66–77.
[14] D. Narayanan, A. Donnelly, and A. Rowstron, “Write off-loading: Practical power management for enterprise storageâ€, ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS), Vol. 4, No. 3, 2008, pp 10.
[15] Y. Chen, D. Gmach, C. Hyser, Z. Wang, C. Bash, C. Hoover, and S. Singhal, “Integrated management of application performance, power and cooling in data centersâ€, Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), IEEE, 2010, pp 615-622.
[16] F. Ahmad, and T. N. Vijaykumar, “Joint optimization of idle and cooling power in data centers while maintaining response timeâ€, ACM Sigplan Notices, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2010, pp 243-256.
[17] C. Gunaratne, K. Christensen, and B. Nordman, “Managing energy consumption costs in desktop PCs and LAN switches with proxying, split TCP connections, and scaling of link speedâ€, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2005, pp 297–310.
[18] D. Kliazovich, P. Bouvry, and S. U.Khan, “DENS: data center energy-efficient network-aware schedulingâ€, Cluster computing, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2013, pp 65-75.
[19] J. Yichao, Y. Wen, and Q. Chen, “Energy efficiency and server virtualization in data centers: An empirical investigationâ€, Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS) 2012 IEEE Conference on IEEE, 2012, pp 133-138.
[20] Y. Jin, W. Yonggang, and Q. Chen, “Energy Efficiency and Server Virtualization in Data Centers: An Empirical Investigationâ€, In 1st IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Communications and Control for Sustainable Energy Systems: Green Networking and Smart Grids, 2012, pp 133-138.
[21] A. Corradi, M. Fanelli, and L. Foschini, “Increasing Cloud power efficiency through consolidation techniquesâ€, In Computers and Communications (ISCC) 2011, Symposium on IEEE, 2011, pp 129-134.
[22] L. Liu, H. Wang, X. Liu, X. Jin, W. B. He, Q. B. Wang, and Y. Chen, “GreenCloud: a new architecture for green data centerâ€, In Proceedings of the 6th international conference industry session on Autonomic computing and communications industry session, 2009, pp 29-38.
[23] D. Breitgand, G. Kutiel, and D. Raz, “Cost-aware live migration of services in the cloudâ€, In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Haifa Experimental Systems Conference SYSTOR’10, NewYork, NY,USA, 2010.
[24] A. Strunk, and W. Dargie, “Does live migration of virtual machines cost energy?â€, in The 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networkingand Applications (AINA- 2013) , 2013, pp 514-521.
[25] A. Strunk, “Costs of virtual machine live migration: A surveyâ€, in Services (SERVICES), 2012 Eighth World Congress on IEEE, 2012, pp 323 –329.
[26] H. Liu, C.-Z. Xu, H. Jin, J. Gong, and X. Liao, “Performance and energy modeling for live migration of virtual machinesâ€, in Proceedings of the 20th ACMInternational SymposiumonHigh-Performance Parallel andDistributed Computing (HPDC ’11) , 2011, pp 171–181.
[27] Cisco IPv6 solutions and services, “Dual Stack Networkâ€, Cisco Systems Inc, 2010.
[28] Cisco Technical Brief, “Transitioning to IPv6: A Technology Overview for Service Providersâ€, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc, 2011.
[29] Y. E. Gelogo, S. Lee, and B. Park, “IPv4 and IPv6 Interoperability Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing Networks Deploymentâ€, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2012, pp 185-190.
[2] G. Cook, “How clean is your cloudâ€, Catalysing an energy revolution, 2012.
[3] M. Andreolini, S. Casolari, M. Colajanni, and M. Messori, “Dynamic load management of virtual machines in a cloud architectureâ€, Proc of First Int. Conference on Cloud Computing (ICST CLOUDCOMP2009), Munich, Germany, 2009, Pp. 201-214.
[4] K. Maurya, and R. Sinha, “Energy Conscious Dynamic Provisioning of Virtual Machines using Adaptive Migration Thresholds in Cloud Data Centerâ€, IJCSMC, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013, pp 74 – 82.
[5] J. Baliga, R. W. Ayre, K. Hinton, and R. Tucker, “Green Cloud Computing: Balancing Energy in Processing,Storage, and Transportâ€, Proceedings of the IEEE 99, No. 1, 2011 pp 149-167.
[6] H. Parker, “Energy efficient data centers. SRI Analystâ€, [online]: http://www.alliancetrustinvestments.com/sri-hub/posts/Energy-efficient-data-centres ,2013.
[7] L. A. Barroso, and U. Holzle, “The case for energy-proportional computingâ€, Computer, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2007, pp 33–37.
[8] A. Greenberg, J. Hamilton, D. A. Maltz, and P. Patel, “The Cost of a Cloud:Research Problems in Data Center Networksâ€, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2009, pp 68-73.
[9] R. Buyya, R. Ranjan, and R. Calheiros, “Modeling and Simulation of Scalable Cloud Computing Environment and the CloudSim Toolkit: Challenges and Opportunitiesâ€, International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation. HPCS ’09, 21-24, 2009 pp 1-11.
[10] R. Sawyer, “Calculating total power requirements for data centersâ€, American Power Conversion, Tech. Rep, No. 70, 2004, pp 80-90.
[11] Intel Corporation, “Why the Intel® Xeon® processor 5500 series is the ideal foundation for cloud computingâ€, White paper, 2009.
[12] S. Y. Jing, S. Ali, K. She, and Y. Zhong, “State-of-the-art research study for green cloud computingâ€, The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2013, pp 445-468.
[13] P. Ranganathan, P. Leech, D. Irwin, and J. Chase, “Ensemble-level power management for dense bladeâ€, In Proceedings of the 33rd annual international symposium on computer architecture (ISCA’06), Boston, USA, 2006, pp 66–77.
[14] D. Narayanan, A. Donnelly, and A. Rowstron, “Write off-loading: Practical power management for enterprise storageâ€, ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS), Vol. 4, No. 3, 2008, pp 10.
[15] Y. Chen, D. Gmach, C. Hyser, Z. Wang, C. Bash, C. Hoover, and S. Singhal, “Integrated management of application performance, power and cooling in data centersâ€, Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), IEEE, 2010, pp 615-622.
[16] F. Ahmad, and T. N. Vijaykumar, “Joint optimization of idle and cooling power in data centers while maintaining response timeâ€, ACM Sigplan Notices, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2010, pp 243-256.
[17] C. Gunaratne, K. Christensen, and B. Nordman, “Managing energy consumption costs in desktop PCs and LAN switches with proxying, split TCP connections, and scaling of link speedâ€, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 15, No. 5, 2005, pp 297–310.
[18] D. Kliazovich, P. Bouvry, and S. U.Khan, “DENS: data center energy-efficient network-aware schedulingâ€, Cluster computing, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2013, pp 65-75.
[19] J. Yichao, Y. Wen, and Q. Chen, “Energy efficiency and server virtualization in data centers: An empirical investigationâ€, Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS) 2012 IEEE Conference on IEEE, 2012, pp 133-138.
[20] Y. Jin, W. Yonggang, and Q. Chen, “Energy Efficiency and Server Virtualization in Data Centers: An Empirical Investigationâ€, In 1st IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Communications and Control for Sustainable Energy Systems: Green Networking and Smart Grids, 2012, pp 133-138.
[21] A. Corradi, M. Fanelli, and L. Foschini, “Increasing Cloud power efficiency through consolidation techniquesâ€, In Computers and Communications (ISCC) 2011, Symposium on IEEE, 2011, pp 129-134.
[22] L. Liu, H. Wang, X. Liu, X. Jin, W. B. He, Q. B. Wang, and Y. Chen, “GreenCloud: a new architecture for green data centerâ€, In Proceedings of the 6th international conference industry session on Autonomic computing and communications industry session, 2009, pp 29-38.
[23] D. Breitgand, G. Kutiel, and D. Raz, “Cost-aware live migration of services in the cloudâ€, In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Haifa Experimental Systems Conference SYSTOR’10, NewYork, NY,USA, 2010.
[24] A. Strunk, and W. Dargie, “Does live migration of virtual machines cost energy?â€, in The 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networkingand Applications (AINA- 2013) , 2013, pp 514-521.
[25] A. Strunk, “Costs of virtual machine live migration: A surveyâ€, in Services (SERVICES), 2012 Eighth World Congress on IEEE, 2012, pp 323 –329.
[26] H. Liu, C.-Z. Xu, H. Jin, J. Gong, and X. Liao, “Performance and energy modeling for live migration of virtual machinesâ€, in Proceedings of the 20th ACMInternational SymposiumonHigh-Performance Parallel andDistributed Computing (HPDC ’11) , 2011, pp 171–181.
[27] Cisco IPv6 solutions and services, “Dual Stack Networkâ€, Cisco Systems Inc, 2010.
[28] Cisco Technical Brief, “Transitioning to IPv6: A Technology Overview for Service Providersâ€, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc, 2011.
[29] Y. E. Gelogo, S. Lee, and B. Park, “IPv4 and IPv6 Interoperability Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing Networks Deploymentâ€, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2012, pp 185-190.
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Kamyab Khajehei
Islamic Azad University-Dashtestan Branch
Green Cloud and reduction of energy consumption
By using global application environments, cloud computing based data centers growing every day and this exponentially grows definitely effect on our environment. Researchers that have a commitment to their environment and others which was concerned about the electricity bills came up with a solution which called “Green Cloudâ€. Green cloud data centers based on how consume energy are known as high efficient data centers. In green cloud we try to reduce number of active devices and consume less electricity energy. In green data centers toke an advantage of VM and ability of copying, deleting and moving VMs over the data center and reduce energy consumption. This paper focused on which parts of data centers may change and how researchers found the suitable solution for each component of data centers. Also with all these problems why still the cloud data centers are the best technology for IT businesses.