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Kambayashi, Y.; Harada, Y. Integrating Ant Colony Optimization in a Mobile-
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23 June 2009; pp. 149–158.
Kambayashi, Y.; Harada, Y. A Resource Discovery Method Based on Multi-
Agents in P2P Systems. In Intelligent Agents in the Evolution of Web and
Applications; Nguyen, N.T., Jain, L.C., Eds.; Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg,
Germany, 2009; pp. 113–135.
Aviles del Moral, A.; Takimoto, M.; Kambayashi, Y. ERAM: Evacuation Routing
Using Ant Colony Optimization over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of
the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona,
Spain, 15–18 February 2013; pp. 118–127.
Nishimura, K.; Takahashi, K. A Multi-Agent Routing Protocol with Congestion
Control for MANET. In Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on
Modeling and Simulation, Prague, Czech, 4–6 June 2007; CD-ROM.
S. Ranjbar, H. Asadi, “How to use ant colony algorithm†,2000
“Microsoft Research Joulemeter,â€29 September 2011, http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/fe9e10c5-5c5b-450c-a674-
daf55565f794/default.aspx ) Accessed: 20 December 2013).
Challenges of Ubiquitous Sensing,†IEEE circuits and systems magazine,
J. Lee, G. Park, H. Kim, Ch. Kim, H. Kwak, S. Lee, S. Lee,†Intelligent
Management Message Routing in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks,â€Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Z. Tafa, Montenegro Telekom, L. Gavrilovska et al. (eds.), â€Ubiquitous Sensor
Networks,†Application and Multidisciplinary Aspects of Wireless 267,Sensor
Networks, Computer Communications and Networks,DOI 10.1007/978-1-
84996-510-1_13, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011.
â€Wireless Sensor Networks Blog,†http://wsnblog.com/tag/uc-berkeley
)Accessed: 20 December 2013).
S. Yoo ,â€IP-USN for Green IT, †August 2009, Ajou University,2013
J. Wang, H. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Chen, J. Zhang., “An Agent Based Routing
Algorithm for Ubiquitous Sensor Networks,†2011
Contiki , Zhitao “Implementation and Evaluation of the Sensornet Protocolâ€
He Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Box 1263, SE-164 29 Kista,
CH. V. Raghavendran, G. Naga Satish, P. Suresh Varma, “Intelligent Routing
Techniques for Mobile Ad hoc Networks using Swarm Intelligenceâ€,
Published Online December 2012 in MECS
L.Barolli, A.Koyama, T.Yamada, S.Yokoyama â€an intelligent policing-routing
mechanism based on fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms and its performance
evaluationâ€, IPSJ journal , November 2000.
Yasushi Kambayashi,†A Review of Routing Protocols Based on Ant-Like
Mobile Agentsâ€, ISSN 1999-4893Algorithms 2013
Perkins, C.; Belding-Royer, E.; Das, S. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
(AODV) Routing. In Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Mobile
Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, LA, USA, 25–26 February
1999; pp. 90–100.
Cauvery, N.K.; Vis wanatha, K.V. Enhanced ant colony based algorithm for
routing in mobile ad hoc network. World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol. 2008, 22, 30–
Woo, M.; Dung, N.H.; Roh, W.J. An Efficient Ant-based Routing Algorithm for
MANETs. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advanced
Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, South Korea, 17–20 February 2008;
pp. 933–937.
Zhou, Y.; Zincir-Heywood, A.N. Intelligent Agents for Routing on Mobile Ad-
Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on
Communication Networks and Services Research, May 2004; pp. 249–254.
Minar, N.; Kramer, K.H.; Maes, P. Cooperating Mobile Agents for Dynamic
Network Routing. In Software Agents for Future Communication Systems;
Hayzelden, A., Ed.; Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 1999; pp.
Choudhury, R.R.; Bandyopadhyay, S.; Paul, K. A Distributed Mechanism for
Topology Discovery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Using Mobile-Agents. In
Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc
Networking & Computing, Boston, MA, USA, 11 August 2000; pp. 145–146.
Di Caro, G.; Dorigo, M. AntNet: A Mobile Agent Approach to Adaptive Routing;
Technical Report IRIDIA 97–12; Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels,
Belgium, December 1997.
Di Caro, G.; Dorigo, M. An Adaptive Multi-agent Routing Algorithm Inspired by
Ants Behaviour. In Proceedings of Fifth Annual Australasian Conference on
Parallel and Real-Time Systems, Adelaide, Australia, 28–29 September 1998.
Di Caro, G.; Dorigo, M. AntNet: Distributed stigmergetic control for
communications networks. J. Artif. Intell. Res.1998, 9, 317–365.
Schoonderwoerd, R.; Holland, O.; Bruten, J.; Rothkrantz, L. Ant-based load
balancing in telecommunications networks. Adapt. Behav. 1996, 5, 169–207.
Schoonderwoerd, R.; Holland, O.; Bruten, J. Ant-like Agents for Load Balancing
in Telecommunications Networks. In Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Autonomous Agents, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, 5–8 February
1997; pp. 209–216.
Kambayashi, Y.; Harada, Y. Integrating Ant Colony Optimization in a Mobile-
Agent Based Resource Discovery Algorithm. In Proceedings of the IADIS
International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents, Algarve, Portugal, 21–
23 June 2009; pp. 149–158.
Kambayashi, Y.; Harada, Y. A Resource Discovery Method Based on Multi-
Agents in P2P Systems. In Intelligent Agents in the Evolution of Web and
Applications; Nguyen, N.T., Jain, L.C., Eds.; Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg,
Germany, 2009; pp. 113–135.
Aviles del Moral, A.; Takimoto, M.; Kambayashi, Y. ERAM: Evacuation Routing
Using Ant Colony Optimization over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of
the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona,
Spain, 15–18 February 2013; pp. 118–127.
Nishimura, K.; Takahashi, K. A Multi-Agent Routing Protocol with Congestion
Control for MANET. In Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on
Modeling and Simulation, Prague, Czech, 4–6 June 2007; CD-ROM.
S. Ranjbar, H. Asadi, “How to use ant colony algorithm†,2000
“Microsoft Research Joulemeter,â€29 September 2011, http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/fe9e10c5-5c5b-450c-a674-
daf55565f794/default.aspx ) Accessed: 20 December 2013).
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Maryam Karimi
Shiraz University of technology
Reza Javidan
Shiraz University of Technology
Manijeh Keshtgari
Shiraz University of Technology
A New Method for Intelligent Message Network Management in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks
Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) computing is a useful technology forautonomic integrating in different environments which can be available anywhere.Managing USN plays an important role on the availability of nodes and paths. Inorder to manage nodes there is a cyclic route starts from manager, passing nodes,and come back to manager as feedback. In this paper, a new, self-optimizing methodpresented for finding this cyclic path by combining epsilon greedy and geneticalgorithm and then it is compared with other well-known methods in terms of cost ofthe route they find and the power consumption. The results show that the route thatis found by our new method costs at least 53% less than other methods. However insome cases, it uses 32% more energy for finding the route which can be compensatein traversing the shorter route. The overall simulation results in prototype data showthe effectiveness of the proposed method.